This year Hubby and I have managed to fend off the colds and flus by resting and drinking batches of Ten Mothers Garlic Soup when the first signs of a cold or flu appear.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Truth in Business
What is it about business and the corporate world that makes me feel I need to hide the truth? It seems my company is always ‘selling’ the good points about a product, service or people, and ‘hiding’ the bad. Why is the ‘bad’—for example a lack of skills, knowledge or experience—a problem? Everyone has to start somewhere: even those of us who have been working for a long time are still learning.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Just For Today ...
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling very down. The thought of going to the office and facing another day of work made me nervous and jittery, almost panicky: I just wanted to hide.
My brother, a qi gong devotee, once told me that people who treat illnesses, for example doctors, can accumulate negative qi (energy) and become sick because they are exposed to so much negative qi from their patients. I wonder if this can happen to any of us? When we are subjected to negative feelings and situations, can tensions build within us, cause blockages or imbalances in our pranic flow, and result in “dis-ease”?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Aum in Motion
“Get out and walk!”
With a small beep, this reminder pops up on my screen at 12:20pm every day that I'm in the office.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Shaking in My Roots Again
A family was murdered in their home last weekend. The horror and senselessness of their deaths have dominated the headlines for the last couple of days.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Shaking in My Roots
During a septum dies horribilus I completed an assignment on the psychological aspects of the chakras. As part of that assignment we had to choose a chakra and explain how it related to our personality. At the time, I was drawn to mooladhara—the root chakra—the chakra with the basic qualities related to “security of the individual and material posessions”. [1]
Friday, May 15, 2009
Hard Decisions
Lately, I have had a lot on my mind—work, study, family—and I have found it difficult to be aware and focus on whatever I'm doing. However, I finally made the hard decision to defer my last yogic studies module for a year and return to work four days a week.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My Father's Daughter
My parents dropped around the other day and, a funny thing, Dad is also currently having problems with sciatica. What's more, it seems that we've both been experiencing sciatic problems for about the same period of time. Is there some small glitch in the cosmic universe or maybe some psychic connection between father and daughter?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Conversing with the Ego
I'm currently walking around like a "Frankenstein gorilla" - stiff-legged, sway-backed, bent over, and I think a little lop-sided. It's hard to believe that, just over a month ago, I was revelling in my body's improved strength and flexibility as I practised Surya Namaskara.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The First Step
There is a Chinese proverb:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
My journey started last year.